Sunday, August 29, 2010

Good Shepherd Year Two Update!

We initially believed the level of engagement was due to the fact that the children were using something different – the ipads were a novelty. We have found that they are so engrossed in what they are doing, don’t care what else is going on around them in their Learning Space or what they could be “missing out on”!

We have noticed that different personality types will initially gravitate to particular applications, for example, the some of the more extroverted children immediately “fell in love” with Puppet Pals. Over the past couple of weeks, however, we have also observed that Puppet Pals has given a voice to those children who are naturally quieter. Tony, a generally softly spoken member of our group, was the star of the show in a recent Puppet Pals production. His confident voice boomed throughout the show and he loved every minute of it!

Children work independently with the ipads. They “figure it out” as they go along with very little teacher intervention needed. A number of the applications we are using are multi-levelled and free! These include:
• Ace kids maths games HD free lite
• ABC phonics animals writing HD free lite
• ABC phonics sight words HD free lite
The children are successfully choosing an appropriate level to work at and are self-monitoring.

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